simple persuasions, and similar pursuits


Book 2 of occupational hazards

Language: English



Published: Oct 14, 2023

Words: 27218
Grade: 6
Pages: 126
Readability: 79.59


Safety, as Lyney has come to understand it, is a bit of a strange thing.

In all his earliest memories, of days spent without food, nights spent against street corners, and having nothing to his name but the feeling of his sister’s hand around his, ‘safe’ had been a feeling whose definition had needed to be constantly changed if he’d wanted to have any hopes of actually experiencing it.

Of course, no meaning had ever lasted very long. As is the nature of what had always, ultimately, been a lie.

Perhaps this is what is currently giving him so much trouble.

Because Lyney is currently, for all intents and purposes, safe. Logically, he knows this. He knows this.

And yet…and yet.




In which time heals all wounds, but Lyney's cut over a decade deep.

Though this, like many things, is perhaps not quite as impassable as it would seem.