This is No Cultivated Heaven


Language: English



Published: Apr 18, 2022

Words: 6468
Grade: 5
Pages: 36
Readability: 87.33


Kaeya and Diluc get into a fight so bad that Jean intervenes, demanding Kaeya apologize for wrecking the Angel's Share. He gets a little more than he bargained for.
Ragnbros reconciliation fic.
“What’s this I hear about you and Master Diluc scuffling in front of the Angel’s Share last night? I have three concerned reports from—” these she ticks off on her fingers, “Margaret from the Cat’s Tail, Captain Hertha, and Six-Fingered Jose, all sitting on my desk when I arrived this morning. Not to mention multiple eyewitnesses who said that you went after him with a chair. Explain yourself.” 

Kaeya winced. “About that. You may get an invoice from the Dawn Winery fairly soon, on account of the ruined bar…”

“You demolished the bar?” Jean demanded.