Silent Heroes: Lone Wolf


Book 2 of Silent Heroes

Language: English


Publisher: Wattpad

Published: May 24, 2014

Words: 35745
Grade: 2
Pages: 207
Readability: 96.08
Objective: 3
Subjective: 1


Six months ago, if someone had asked me to create a list of the things I was least likely to become, "shapeshifter" probably would have been near the top of that list, followed by something equally ludicrous like, I don't know, "superhero," maybe. But, never in my wildest, most insane-asylum-worthy daydreams would I have imagined becoming both. Of course, that was before all the craziness started. Back when I thought I could still be something realistic and normal, like a doctor or a lawyer or an astrophysicist (all of which I had been seriously considering.) That was before I found out I had abilities far beyond those of a normal human. That was before the catastrophic incident that sent my life spiraling out of control and de-railed every one of my normal, every-day plans. But, I'm getting ahead of myself, here. Maybe I should start at the beginning...